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When is a good time to order flowers for Mother's Day?

by Loan Pham on June 18, 2020

Mother's Day is fast approaching. Many people drop into their local flower shop before noon to select a bouquet of pink and white flowers for their mum(s) on the Sunday, before later heading out for a special lunch with the family. On this Sunday morning all Melbourne flower shops will be buzzing with the sounds of gift wrapping and custom made bouquets for much loved mothers. To avoid the hectic queueing on Sunday, you could place your flower order in advance, so that your bouquet is ready for an easy collection when you swing by the florist shop.

florist Mothers Day flower bouquet gift

Another option is to have a bouquet sent on the Friday or Saturday before Mother's Day! Most fresh flowers from the flower market will be in the flower shops by Friday. This fresh stock will be used to prepare advance orders for Sunday delivery. Therefore it makes sense to have the flower bouquet for Mother's Day delivered on Friday or Saturday. Your mum can enjoy the fresh flowers early and watch the blooms gradually open through the weekend.

Mothers Day lunch floral long and low table arrangement

Your Sunday morning can be relaxing knowing that you don't have to wait in line to purchase a bouquet or two. At Kellee Flowers we have fabulously reliable couriers who deliver to all areas. Also being an Interflora member, we can arrange for flowers to be delivered interstate or internationally.


On Mother's Day, our boutique flower store will be fully stocked with gift boxed flower arrangements and floral bouquets of various sizes to suit every mum.

Get in early and have a fabulous day.